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The Rattlesnake Ranch Lines Discussions

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[30 Aug 2020|03:44pm]
Hiya! Hopefully bringing in Jules here, a former marine turned private security contractor turned Head of Security at the Ranch. She's originally from Las Vegas, but she grew up in a small town in Texas. Has one college-aged daughter and a couple of divorces under her belt.

I'd love to work out some connections for her, whether it's friends or past flings or what have you. She will be a new hire at the Ranch, but unexpected run-ins are always fun!
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[12 Aug 2020|05:29pm]

i saw a call for more pornstar pbs, any interest in this dim russian goliath transferring over to snake territory from a rival studio?
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[08 Aug 2020|09:04pm]

Hi! I'll be bringing in Aidan, who relocated to the Vegas area about 6 months ago for his job at the time as a cybersecurity analyst. Recently, he finally left the position, after years of not really enjoying it, to take a job on a whim as a barback at The Rattlesnake Ranch. He loves to make people smile and can be agreeable to a fault. Aside from being around people, Aidan likes reading, poetry, and almost all types of music. He loves making friends, so it would be great to have a few connections to build on.
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